Our Ethics and Compliance team :
Attaches the utmost importance to understand the strategic and sectoral issues and operational constraints of its clients,
Operates in all industries with a long-standing experience in the shipping, port, transport and international trading sectors,
Assists its clients in a transversal and integrated approach by bringing together, if required, all its experts (tax, customs, labour, financing, insurance, criminal, etc.),
Operates in a multi-jurisdictional and cross-border context, thanks to its international network of partnerships, its team of solicitors and its historical experience of the international environment.
- Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance (law n°2016-1691 of 9 December 2016, known as “Sapin 2”),
- Duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies (law n°2017-399 of 27 March 2017),
- Duty of care towards the supply chain of importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (EU Regulation n°2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017),
- Export controls and sanctions,
- Prevention of fiscal risks,
- Anti-trust,
- Data protection.
- Building and managing companies’ compliance strategy in line with their culture, industry, size and resources,
- Building, managing and updating internal compliance programs: risk mapping, codes of conduct, whistleblowing procedures, gifts and entertainment procedures, internal investigations, disciplinary sanctions, due diligence etc.,
- Spreading of an ethical culture through employees’ trainings,
- Assistance in the context of investigations by regulatory authorities, such as the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA): evaluation of internal systems, preparation for a futur inspection, assistance in the context of an inspection and/or referral to the AFA’s Sanctions Committee,
- Assistance during negotiations with the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the context of a Public Interest Judicial Agreement (CJIP) and during criminal investigations,
- Preparation for certification, review and blank audits in order to obtain ISO 37001 – anti-corruption management systems certification.

Our method
Our Ethics and Compliance team :
Attaches the utmost importance to understand the strategic and sectoral issues and operational constraints of its clients,
Operates in all industries with a long-standing experience in the shipping, port, transport and international trading sectors,
Assists its clients in a transversal and integrated approach by bringing together, if required, all its experts (tax, customs, labour, financing, insurance, criminal, etc.),
Operates in a multi-jurisdictional and cross-border context, thanks to its international network of partnerships, its team of solicitors and its historical experience of the international environment.
Our main areas of practice
- Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance (law n°2016-1691 of 9 December 2016, known as “Sapin 2”),
- Duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies (law n°2017-399 of 27 March 2017),
- Duty of care towards the supply chain of importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (EU Regulation n°2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017),
- Export controls and sanctions,
- Prevention of fiscal risks,
- Anti-trust,
- Data protection.
Our missions
- Building and managing companies’ compliance strategy in line with their culture, industry, size and resources,
- Building, managing and updating internal compliance programs: risk mapping, codes of conduct, whistleblowing procedures, gifts and entertainment procedures, internal investigations, disciplinary sanctions, due diligence etc.,
- Spreading of an ethical culture through employees’ trainings,
- Assistance in the context of investigations by regulatory authorities, such as the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA): evaluation of internal systems, preparation for a futur inspection, assistance in the context of an inspection and/or referral to the AFA’s Sanctions Committee,
- Assistance during negotiations with the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the context of a Public Interest Judicial Agreement (CJIP) and during criminal investigations,
- Preparation for certification, review and blank audits in order to obtain ISO 37001 – anti-corruption management systems certification.
Whistleblowing procedure : what changes are to be expected?
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